Scholastic Book Orders

I just received exciting news! If we turn in a class order total of $50 by September 29, everyone will get a FREE book!! So….with that being said, I am moving our book due date up to Friday, September 29 at 12:00.  Please have all orders to me/or placed online by this date or before.

If you are placing an order online:

Go to—-book clubs—parents, get started–enter class code: QCK7P

Thanks so much!

Limeades for Learning

We have two projects posted now! Please help me by entering your tickets or casting your daily email votes under “Tech Savvy” first. Once we get this project fully funded, we will aim for getting “Learning with iPads” next!!

Y’all are awesome!! Thanks for all you do!

Seesaw Family App


I’m so excited to try this app out! With Seesaw, students are able to take their own videos, pictures, add text to a picture, or record their voice with something they’re working in class.  I think you will really enjoy getting small snapshots of your child’s learning each week.

Please download the Seesaw Family app on your device, scan their QR code (these are in the front pocket of their binder) and see your child’s work right then and there!  They may be working with a partner or a small group and if that’s the case, it will send to each family member.  Use this time to really celebrate your child and all they’re accomplishing in 2nd grade!